Well, it’s done! All stars were aligned and the pour went well. It almost seems anticlimactic given all the work to get to the point of being ready to pour. Having said that, there was care and concern throughout the pour to ensure that it went well. Thanks to all our crew for their part […]
Archive | July, 2014

Updates on a Few Things
It’s been a while since the last post and I was hoping to have long since reported that the ICF foundation had been poured! Alas, I cannot say so yet, but if the weather co-operates the concrete will go in on Thursday. So what has been going on since the last report? • Lots of […]
New Sign is Up – and it looks amazing!
James & I installed an excellent new site sign today. Designed by TD Graham & Associates, it will help us communicate the great features we’re building into the new home, and just what we’ll be capable of offering to others through EcoGen Build. From my perspective, it is all about enabling people to live their […]

Building an ICF Foundation
It’s been a while since the last posting, but there is finally enough ICF (Insulated Concrete Form), in place, to make it worthwhile showing. We’re off to a slow start, but we’re telling anyone who’ll believe us that it’s due to learning about the product, a small crew size and a very complex, multi-level structure. […]